About Becky

Living in the gorgeous Shropshire countryside as a busy Mum to 3 energetic boys and 3 even more energetic dogs, finding time for making art can be difficult, but luckily I have a very supportive husband.

I’ve always had a passion for creating, as a child I spent hours drawing and painting before studying for an Art GCSE.

My practice gradually evolved into textiles, painting fabric, embroidery and making my own clothes. Most of the clothes I wear are either made by me or repaired pieces from long ago. I especially enjoy hand sewing, and I love nothing more than curling up on the sofa with a hot chocolate nearby to work on a completely hand made, and embellished, dress!

However, my main art practice has now returned to drawing and painting. I never leave the house without a pen and paper, the inspiration for doodling can strike at any time!

My hope is that my artwork can brighten someone’s day, either by smiling at a quirky pigeon or being reminded of happy memories in the places I sketch.